
Meeting Suggestions and Changes

Peace and grace to all,

Since my last post, I have been doing some thinking (which is always dangerous), balancing it with some reading (which is beneficial), and asking for input (which is wisdom). In an attempt to promote dialogue in the area, and perhaps open the door to more participation, what are your suggestions about getting together over the internet? While there has been a fair amount of interest in meeting, scheduling and distance problems seem to be a limiting factor. Instead of having a face-to-face meeting on the 25th, perhaps we can schedule an internet meeting via one of the chat rooms, Skype, instant messengers, and/or video conferencing?

Also, I am reading R. Scott Smith's Truth & The New Kind of Christian: The Emerging Effects of Postmodernism in the Church (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2005) and have corresponded with Scott via e-mail. I would like to suggest this as a topic and invite him into the dialogue.

This may even provide an opportunity to include the other cohorts in Virginia and establish a state-wide dialogue .... What do you think?



central va cohort to host 'the cobalt season'

the central va emergent cohort will be hosting the cobalt season in for a fun night of music, fellowship, and conversation on November 5th.

they have been featured on Emergent Village and much credit goes to Brian Mclaren for a great endorsement
we will keep you posted with more details
